Portable Conveyors
With our years of experience, we specialise in Quarrying, Construction and the Recycling Industries with supply of new or refurbished screens, conveyors and recycling equipment.
We have considerable expertise in mobile Powerscreens and Finlay Hydrascreens for repair or refurbishment plus the bespoke manufacturing of both static and mobile conveyors.
We have full fabrication facilities to modify existing used equipment which can often prove to represent a considerable saving on new units. Most of the equpment offered is owned by ourselves and we can offer a quick turnaround for servicing, overhaul and refurbishment, dependent upon current workshop commitments.
Whether you are looking for used, fully refurbished or new equipment, if you are looking to purchase or hire, then we will be pleased to advise and quote.
Profit from Waste
Under our “Profit From Waste” banner for over ten years, we have provided a full range of waste handling systems including feeders/trommel screen, handpicking conveyors, magnets, fan/blowers, vibratory screens, crushers and stockpilers.
We supply local authorities, waste transfer stations, skip hire operators, landfill operations, specialist waste handling and recycling companies. Our equipment is currently handling all types of products for recycling from hardcore, aggregates, paper, polythene, cardboard, ferrous and non ferrous metals, plastics, PVC, PVB, compost, soils, wood, sawdust, glass bottles and cullet etc.
Our waste handling system is designed to recycle secondary products with the objective of reducing landfill costs, increasing operator profitability and improving the environment.
We provide a complete waste handling system service package of site survey, schematic layouts, full dimensional drawings & quotations to include manufacture and supply of all equipment, complete with delivery & installation.