Hire & Option to Buy

We can offer short term and long term hire options at very competitive commercial rates, backed up by our reliable support and customer service.

Specialising in conveyors, screens, aggregate washing/rinsing equipment and blenders for primary and secondary recycled aggregates, Portable Conveyors carry a wide selection of mobile units available for immediate hire. Our latest addition to our fleet includes a mobile trommel screen and hand-pickers.

All hire contracts are subject to the relevant business and financial checks. Our full terms & conditions are available upon request.


If you have delays due to Capital Approval for purchase, we can also offer our option to buy scheme which can mean operation of the equipment to CPA Hire Conditions whether the Capital is approved or not.

Hire & Option to Buy - Basic Terms and Conditions

1. ALL HIRE is subject to standard CPA Conditions with a minimum 6 week initial period.

2. Delivery/installation (if applicable) plus the initial 6 week hire period will be invoiced prior to delivery and a remittance for the full amount required against delivery

3. At the end of the initial 6 week hire period there are three options
a. Off hire equipment - collection/dismantling will be arranged and invoiced
b. Continue to hire over an agreed period and once all remittances have been received 'title to the goods' will be transferred
c. Outright purchase at an agreed price and payment due in full against invoice.

4. Full inspection is recommended before delivery
5. Any additional items/extra that may be required for item (b) or (c) to be discussed and agreed after the initial four week hire period and costs adjusted accordingly

Available for Hire

Fully Refurbished

Magnets - various

Fully Refurbished

Available to Hire

Fully Refurbished

Chain Conveyor

Fully Refurbished


Fully Refurbished


Fully Refurbished


Built to Order